Meet The Sparent VA: Talisa

Talisa Piña

Dedicated Stay-At-Home Mom and Sparent VA

Favorite Quote

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities.” ― Dr. Seuss

As a mother of two, former teacher, and someone who tries to find the fun in as many situations as she can, this quote resonates with Talisa. She believes nonsense is crucial in not only a child’s development, but it should be continued throughout life. In a world where there is so much focus on misery, everyone could all use some fun in their lives. This could be something as simple as a little, barely noticeable, quirk in a social media post design. These small bits of “nonsense” could speak to our subconscious and therefore help us feel more positive. 

Family Life

Talisa and her husband, Victor, met freshman year of High School. Although they did not start dating for another 11 years, they secretly had “crushes“ on each other at the beginning of high school. When Talisa was 25 years old, Victor slid into her Facebook DMs and the rest is history. They got married while he was studying medicine in Costa Rica- where they lived for two years. When Talisa was 7 months pregnant with their first, they moved back home to Miami where they now live with their two kids, Enzo (3 years old), Zoe (9 months old), and their fur babies. 

Professional Life

Talisa has been a high school teacher since 2007. Her most current school was an all-boys high school where she first learned about Canva. There she took a few professional development classes mostly focusing on Canva and all the different aspects of the program. When she found out she was pregnant in 2020, her school was still fully virtual which, unbeknownst to her,  further helped Talisa prepare to become a Virtual Assistant. After giving birth to Zoe in May, she and her husband decided it was best for her to become a stay-at-home mom in order for her to fully enjoy the kids while they are still little. Talisa then started a small crafting business and began running her father’s company’s social media accounts. As a true teacher, she loves learning and took it upon herself to learn as much as she could about social media marketing and trends. Talisa is always up for a challenge and if she does not know how to do something, she knows Google or YouTube do know. She is very self-sufficient and prides herself in her ability to figure most things out. 

Blending it All Together

While being a stay-at-home mom is a dream come true for Talisa, she missed the ability to stay professional and work with others that did not have a constant demand for snacks- which is where becoming a Sparent VA comes into play. Having the flexibility to work from home on her own schedule while never having to worry about missing a “first” again allows Talisa to have her cake and eat it too. It is empowering to be able to remain financially independent while being able to raise her children the way she has always wanted. 


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Meet The Sparent VA: Jennifer